Welcome to Our Permaculture Homestead

After 13 years of researching “doomsday preppers” and homesteading for my apocalyptic novel, We Can Save Us All, I realized I had none of the survival skills I’d been writing about. I wanted to change that. Without becoming a total weirdo.

We began preparing our home to survive a grid-down situation, and dove into homesteading projects to inform our new lifestyle.

Here’s what happened next…

Permaculture Homesteading How-Tos and Articles

How to Build Raised Garden Beds

On the last day I *went shopping* before quarantining in mid-March, my impulse buy was a bunch of lumber. I remember thinking it might be the last day I'd be allowed out of my house for a while. I called our local hardware store/lumber yard and asked if they were still open. “Today we are, but who knows if we will be tomorrow,” they said, which in hindsight was both true and an excellent piece of salesmanship.

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